Recent questions tagged paging

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If a page of a process is in secondary memory but not in main memory then what should be it's page table entry.Then how logical address is ... in calculating effective memory access time formula. This is problem of paging or mapping?
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Consider a system with 4KB page size and 3-level paging is used. The virtual address space is 36 bits and the physical address space is 32 bits. The page table ... 8 bits for page table indexing and each page table fits one page-frame[NAT]
2 answers
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A paging system uses 16 bit address and 4K page. The following shows the page table of a process 1.Page No Frame No0 ... a virtual address 16064 the physical address of the process isA) 40968) 3712C) 8192D) 11,968
1 answers
1 votes
If Page size = Frame size is always true and offset in Logical address = offset in physical address holdsThen how/why Logical address size can come different than physical address size?
1 answers
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we have 8 pages (each side 32B) to store in physical memory of 2^32 bits how many bits are required to identify each page , according to me 3 bits are required but that is wrong plz explain why
2 answers
9 votes
Assume a linear page table, with a 1-byte page-table entry. Assume physical and virtual address spaces of size 128 bytes with 32-byte pages. The ... addresses that will get referred in fetch and execute of the above instruction?104210270
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5 votes
Consider a virtual memory system that uses paging. Virtual and physical addresses are both $32$ ... {0x00875b65}$\textsf{0x00875}$Translation is not possible as per the given page table
2 answers
7 votes
Imagine a computer with a $32$-bit virtual address space and $\text{1 KB}$ pages. It uses a two-level page table system, with page-sized chunks at the inner level(not at ... $2 \mathrm{~KB}$66 \mathrm{~KB}$16 \mathrm{MB}$
1 answers
4 votes
Consider a system with $4 \mathrm{~GB}$ of physical memory and $64 \mathrm{~GB}$ of Virtual Memory. The page size is $4 \mathrm{~KB}$. Recall that the ... PTEs.How many pages does our page table occupy if we have a single-level page table?
1 answers
9 votes
Suppose that pages are $512 \mathrm{~B}$ and each page table entry is $4$ bytes. Assume that somehow the virtual and physical address spaces were ... $\textsf{0x10000001}$\textsf{0x10000004}$\textsf{0x10000345}$
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In this question, they have asked for memory requirements for page tables across the levels, solving which I am getting number of level 3 page tables as 2^8. Below is a brief ... 1 + 1 + 2^8 + 2^16 Where am I doing wrong? Please explain.
1 answers
0 votes
Assuming 3-level of paging is used by a paging system and a TLB for address translation. Calculate Average memory access time if each main memory access takes 100ns and ... given as 200ns and TLB hit ratio is 80% and page fault rate is 10%.
1 answers
0 votes
A machine supports a 48 bit virtual address and 32 bit physical address. Pages are 8KB. If the page table entry contains besides other information, one V/I bit ... page protection. What is the page table size in bytes?86 MB128 MB96 MB512 MB
2 answers
0 votes
Can Any explain the relationship between The “ Word Size “ and “ Logical Address Space “
1 answers
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Consider a System using Paging technique with an Address Space of65,536 Bytes. The Page Size in this System is 4096 Bytes. The Program Consists of Text, Data ... Page Size in Bytes such that the Program Fits in the Given Address Space?
1 answers
1 votes
Consider a machine with a physical memory of $8 \mathrm{~GB}$, a page size of $8 \mathrm{~KB}$, and a page table entry size of $4$ bytes. How many ... to map a $46$-bit virtual address space if every page table fits into a single page?
1 answers
1 votes
With $\text{64 bit}$ virtual addresses, a $\text{4 KB}$ page and $\text{16 GB}$ of RAM, an inverted page table requires _____$2$ million entries$4$ million entries$512$ thousand entries$1$ million entries
1 answers
0 votes
A computer provides each process with 65536 bytes of address space divided into pages. A particular program has a text size of 32768 bytes, a data size of 16386 bytes, ... either text, data, or stack, not a mixture of two or three of them.