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Consider a System using Paging technique with an Address Space of65,536 Bytes. The Page Size in this System is 4096 Bytes. The Program Consists of Text, Data and Stack Sections as per the specifications given below:

Text: 32,768 Bytes

Data: 16,386 Bytes

Stack: 15,870 Bytes

A Page of the program contains portion of only one section i.e either Textor Data or Stack.

a)Does the Program Fit in the given Address Space?

b)What is the Maximum Page Size in Bytes such that the Program Fits in the Given Address Space? 

1 Answer

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The total address space is 65,536 Bytes.

The program has three sections:

  1. Text: 32,768 Bytes
  2. Data: 16,386 Bytes
  3. Stack: 15,870 Bytes

a) To check if the program fits in the given address space, you can add the sizes of all sections:

32,768+16,386+15,870=65,024 Bytes32,768+16,386+15,870=65,024 Bytes

The sum is less than the total address space (65,536 Bytes), so the program fits in the given address space.

b) The maximum page size is determined by the smallest section size because a page can only contain a portion of one section. The smallest section size is the Stack section with 15,870 Bytes. Therefore, the maximum page size is 15,870 Bytes.

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