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49 votes
49 votes

Consider a machine with $64$ MB physical memory and a $32$-bit virtual address space. If the page size s $4$ KB, what is the approximate size of the page table?

  1. $\text{16 MB}$
  2. $\text{8 MB}$
  3. $\text{2 MB}$
  4. $\text{24 MB}$
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4 Answers

Best answer
72 votes
72 votes
Number of pages $= 2^{32} / 4KB = 2^{20}$ as we need to map every possible virtual address.

So, we need $2^{20}$ entries in the page table. Physical memory being $64 \ MB$, a physical address must be $26$ bits and a page (of size $4KB$) address  needs $26-12 = 14$ address bits. So, each page table entry must be at least $14$ bits.

So, total size of page table $= 2^{20} \times 14 \ bits ≈ 2 \ MB$ (assuming PTE is $2$ bytes)

Correct Answer: $C$
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28 votes
28 votes
Physical memory $=64MB=2^{26} B $

Size of frame$ =4KB =2^{12}B$

No. of frames $=  $physical memory/size of frame$ = \frac{2^{26}B}{2^{12}B}=2^{14}$

Frame number $=14 bits$

Virtual memory $=32 bits =2^{32}B$

Size of page $=$size of frame $=4KB =2^{12}B$

No. of pages$ =$virtual memory/size of page $=\frac{2^{32}B}{ {2^{12}B}} =2^{20} $

size of page table$=$Number of pages $\times$Size of each entry

size of page table$=$Number of pages $\times$Page table entry

size of page table$=$Number of pages $\times$Frame number

size of page table$=2^{20}\times 14 bits$

assume Frame number$=16bits$

size of page table$=2^{20}\times 16 bits\approx2MB$
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6 votes
6 votes
ans is C.

here page size is 4KB, which is 2^12 (12bits)

given is physical memory 64MB. therefore in bits f+d = f+12 bits

VAS is 32 bits therefore p+d=p+12 bits => p+12=32 => p=20

page table size = num of page table entries * size of each entry

here entry size is not given so we can directly take size of " f " in bits as entry size, which is 14 bit approx 2 bytes
no of pages = 2^32 / 4KB = 2^20
page table size = 2^20 * 2 bytes = 2MB
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2 votes
2 votes

Physical address space =64MB

No. of bits to represent the physical memory =26 bits

Logical address space =32 bits

page size =4 KB

So , the number of pages =2^32 /  2^12 = 2^20

Concept :  Page table only consist of frame number . So , page table size will depend on frame number and we don’t know how many bits do we require to represent the frame number in page table.

We know that , page offset = frame offset  and page offset =12 bits

bits req to represent the frame number = 26 -12 =14 bits

Additionally , In page table we have valid and invalid bit  , for that  we need 2 bits to represent valid (0) or invalid(1)

The bits now required in page table are = 14 + 2 bits =16 bits = 2 bytes

Total size of page table = 2^20 * 2 bytes = 2 MB



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