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59 votes
59 votes

Which of the following does not interrupt a running process?

  1. A device
  2. Timer
  3. Scheduler process
  4. Power failure
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4 Answers

Best answer
61 votes
61 votes

Answer is (C).

Timer and disk both makes interrupt and power failure will also interrupt the system. Only a scheduler process will not interrupt the running process as scheduler process gets called only when no other process is running (preemption if any would have happened before scheduler starts execution).

Quote from Wikipedia

In the Linux kernel, the scheduler is called after each timer interrupt (that is, quite a few times per second). It determines what process to run next based on a variety of factors, including priority, time already run, etc. The implementation of preemption in other kernels is likely to be similar.


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4 votes
4 votes
Ans : None

A device can generate an Interrupt

Timer generates interrupt when time quantum is over in case of RR

Power failure will generate an interrupt

A scheduled process can also generate an interrupt in case of priority scheduling , when priority of scheduled process is more than Currently Running process
0 votes
0 votes
A. Device will not interrupt a running process. When a device requests service, DMA will take over, so no interruption to the running process.
B. Timer obviously interrupts a running process.
C. Scheduler Process interrupts a running process and schedules some other process.
D. Power Failure definitely generates interrupt.
–5 votes
–5 votes
according to me option D is correct because power failure means shut down system ..so its not interrupt generated

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