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Consider the following two-dimensional array:

int X[64][64];

Suppose that a system has four page frames and each frame is $128$ words (an integer occupies one word). Programs that manipulate the $X$ array fit into exactly one page and always occupy page $0.$ The data are swapped in and out of the other three frames. The $X$ array is stored in row-major order $(i.e., X[0][1]$ follows $X[0][0]$ in memory$).$ Which of the two code fragments shown below will generate the lowest number of page faults? Explain and compute the total number of page faults.

Fragment A
for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) 
     for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) X[i][j] = 0;

Fragment B 
for (int i = 0; i < 64; i++) 
     for (int j = 0; j < 64; j++) X[i][j] = 0;
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1 Answer

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(B) If you are accessing  through ROW major order then for every 128 entries there is only 1 page fault 

EX: in frame 2:

X[0][0],X[0][1]..........X[0][64], X[1][0],X[1][1]..........X[1][64].

only  X[0][0] is page fault 

and total references are 64*64 

so total page faults are  (64*64)/128=32

OR you can say that The inner loop causes only one page fault for every other iteration of the outer loop. Hence, 32 page faults occur.




(A)  If you are accessing  through COLUMN major order then for every 2 entries there is only 1 page fault 

EX: in frame 2:

X[0][0]X[0][1]..........X[0][64], X[1][0],X[1][1]..........X[1][64].

only  X[1][0] is hit

and total reference are 64*64 

so total page faults are  (64*64)/2=2048

 OR you can say that The inner loop causes 32 page faults for every iteration of the outer loop. Hence, 2048 page faults occur. 


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