Recent questions tagged iit-bombay

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My qualifications are Bsc(h)CS and then I did my MCA. I passed out from MCA in 2022. I am looking to pursue Mtech at IIT Bombay or IISc. I went through ... IIT Bombay or not. Or maybe there's some sort of workaround for this. Kindly help.
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Hello,Please comment your opinion on IITB or IISc, I know this depends on personal preference to some extent because both the institutes are awesome, but I would like to know points you are considering to take the decision
2 answers
1 votes
For ~77 marks (GO Estimated AIR 53-55, Score ~882) in GATE 2019, is there a chance of getting direct admission into IISc or IIT Bombay/Delhi? The rank ... far but I'll need a little more help :DAny insights would be really appreciated!
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What criteria IITB use to make offers? Are TA and RA offers made separately or simultaneously?Example: If 1st preference's TA doesn't meet cutoff then the ... TA and RA offers for same or different preference if within cutoff ofcourse.?
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What was last year cutoff to get call for written from iit b ra for obc-ncl? I have gate score of 644 and rank 1121 in year 2018. I belong to obc-ncl. Is there any chance to get call for iit b ra?
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Where can I get the application form of IIT Bombay M.Tech? Whenever I am clicking the application portal in IITB site, I am redirected to the JAM 2018 portal.
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Suppose G is a complete undirected graph with 5 vertices (K5) whose 10 edges are given distinct edge weights from 1...10. Let MST(G) be a minimum ... ) cannot contain edges with the following weights (ii)_________ (fill ALL such weights).
0 answers
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The results for IITB RA interviews was scheduled to be published on 26th of this month. Yet, the results are not out.Does anyone have any info whether the ... portal or the new COAP portal?Any info regarding this is welcomed.Thank you.
1 answers
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Even after having a gate score of 690 i havent received a RA written test call letter from IIT BOMBAY (CSE dept). Why is this so?Has anyone else with the same range of score received a call letter?
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Hello everyone, I am planning to go for GATE 2018 but I want to opt for GATE CS paper, though I am from ECE background. I wish to take admission in ... can score a rank in GATE through CS and join that course through my ECE BTECH degree?
1 answers
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What to fill in qualifying degree and duration of course if one is a Dual (BTech+ MTech) student and wants to pursue postgraduate from IIT again?
1 answers
2 votes
This question was asked in IITB (RA) 2016 admissions.Three person A, B and C each have a bag of five different coloured balls. All three bags ... without looking. What is the probability that all three bags have different coloured balls?
5 answers
29 votes
I've seen many questions, comparing IISc Banglore & IIT Bombay. But to be honest I did not find it complete.So I'm asking question here, for comparing IISc ... one will miss/gain in long run ? Will there be any significant difference ?
1 answers
0 votes
The admission session has not yet started for IITB , but going through previous year's cutoff announcement on their webpage , we can make some idea. Here ... waste.So can someone please clarify , when they publish their cutoff score?Thanks
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