3 Answers

3 votes
3 votes
A host with certain ip address wants to send a packet to all hosts in the same network Then we need Special address called Limited broadcast address. For bradcased in another network need address where all host id are 1.
1 votes
1 votes

option D is correct  (Limited Broadcast Address). Limited Broadcast Address is that, in which a host want to send a message to all other hosts in the same network. To which Class our address belongs (whether Class A/Class B/Class C) Limited Broadcast Adress remains the same. 

In this case, it belongs to Class A, But Limited Broadcast Address would be (

option A is incorrect because it is of Directed Broadcast Address , when a host from another network wants to send data to all host in this network.

option B is incorrect because it specifies NETID of this network of class A

option C is incorrrect because it specifies a host of this network of class A

0 votes
0 votes
to send a packet to all hosts in the SAME NETWORK.... we use limited broadcast address that's
 if it would be same subnetwork then directed broadcast address will be used

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