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44 votes
44 votes
In an $11$-bit computer instruction format, the size of address field is $4$-bits. The computer uses expanding OP code technique and has $5$ two-address instructions and $32$ one-address instructions. The number of zero-address instructions it can support is ________
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4 Answers

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70 votes
70 votes
No. of possible instruction encoding $=2^{11} = 2048$

No. of encoding taken by two-address instructions $=5 \times 2^4 \times 2^4 = 1280$

No. of encoding taken by one-address instructions $=32 \times 2^4 = 512$

So, no. of possible zero-address instructions $=2048 - (1280 + 512) = 256$
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21 votes
21 votes
Out of 11 bits, 3 bits are for opcode in 2-Address. So 2^3=8 instructions(2-Address) are possible.

But 5 are being used. So 3 are free.

We use these 3 for 1-address instruction by using 4 bits of 1 of the addresses i.e. 3*16=48

Now out of 48 1-address instructions, 32 are being used. So we are left with 16.

Again use these 16 for 0-address instruction by using 4 bits of address i.e. 16*16=256
10 votes
10 votes

2-address instruction:

$opcode=3\ bits$ $address=4\ bits$ $address=4\ bits$

Total number of instruction: $2^3=8$ in which $5$ are $2-address\ instruction$. Therefore number of free opcodes=3


1-address instruction:

$opcode=7\ bits$ $address=4\ bits$

Total number of 1-address instruction possible: $3\times 2^4=48$. But only $'32'$ $1-address\ instructions$ are given. Hence $'16'$ instruction are free.


0-address instructions:

$opcode=11\ bits$

Total number of $0-address\ instructions$: $16\times 2^4=256$

$Ans: 256$


  1. Identify the primitive instruction.Primitive instruction: smallest opcode.
  2. Identify the total number of instructions possible in the CPU.
  3. Identify the free opcodes after allocating primitive instruction.
  4. Calculate the derived instruction by multiplying the free opcodes with a decoded form of a address field.
1 votes
1 votes
opcode = 3 bits src addr = 4bits destination addr = 4bits

Total 11 bit instruction format (given)

total possible opcodes = 2^3= 8 opcodes

for 2-address instruction

we have 5 double operand addresses so means 5 codes are for this so, 8-5 = 3 opcodes left.


for 1-address instruction we must have allote opcode among these 3 opcodes which are left.

let's say opcode is p for 1-address  and 3 - p will be for 0-address

here for 1 -address we  p X 2^4 = p X 16 instructions

also it is given 32 1-address instruction we can have 

p will be 2 ( ie. 2 X 16 makes 32 1-addrees instruction)

for 0-address instruction

3 - p = 3-2 = 1 opcode for 0 address

1 X 2^4 X 2^4 = 1 X 16 X 16 = 256 zero-address instructions.

Note : Now I'm explaining in the simplest way possible.

you can think this problem like for 2-address instruction you fixed the src address and destination address ie just vary opcode bits 2^3 and subtract the given no of 2-address instructions.

for 1-address instruction you fixed only destination address thats why we did 2 X 2^4 , so we find the combination of first two fields.

for 0-address instruction nothing to fixed just do 1 X 2^4 X 2^4 every possible combination with 1 opcode.

I hope i am able to explained it in easiest way!



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