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What is the output of this program?

class Conversion {
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        double a = 295.04;
        int b = 300;
        byte c = (byte) a;
        byte d = (byte) b;
        System.out.println(c + " " + d);

a) 38 43
b) 39 44
c) 295 300
d) 295.04 300

1 Answer

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b) 39 44

PS: This is Java code and the rules of Java do not apply to C/C++.

Byte data type being of 8 bits can hold only 256 unique values.

Hence during type casting value changes. For integer the lowest 8 bits is assigned to byte, and for double/float the lowest 8 bits of its integer part is assigned to byte. One more thing is in Java, this type conversion is not IMPLICIT and without being explicity type casted if we assign a higher type to a byte, COMPILE ERROR results (but we can assign a lower sized variable to a higher sized one like int a = b; where b is a byte). Here, we get the following result:

c = a mod 256 = 39 (taking the lowest 8 bits)

d = b mod 256= 44 (taking the lowest 8 bits from the corresponding integer representation)

PS: In Java there is no concept of unsigned and hence for a byte, if the MSB is 1, it becomes negative (2's complement representation). This is similar to "signed char" in C.
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