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4 Answers

Best answer
45 votes
45 votes

The answer is (A) and (B).

Virtual memory concept is independent of size of main memory and depends only on the availability of the secondary storage.

MAR holds the address generated by CPU and this obviously limits the total virtual memory address space.

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14 votes
14 votes

By "Virtual Memory system", they mean "process or program which we store in RAM" (Physical memory system means RAM itself)

A) is TRUE because if MAR size is 32 bits ..then we cannot have a process of size more than 232 addressable units (say Bytes)... If we have (232 +1) bytes then one of the byte cannot be accessed  by CPU as MAR has only 32 bits instead of 33 bits ...

B) is TRUE because though we can have process of size more than the RAM size using Virtual Memory concept.. we cannot have a process of size more than Hard-disk size ... 

C) is FALSE because we can have a process of size more than RAM as we saw ... 

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3 votes
3 votes
Yes, it does. Say if 'n' address lines are there.. then a process can generate virtual address in the range from 0 to 2^n - 1 . So, this address space for a process is always limited by length of MAR. And if you consider as a whole, the total virtual address space must be a proper subset of Secondary Storage for obvious reasons that you cant create and save more pages than external storages, though it is flexible.

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