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Design a vertical micro programmed control unit to generate 40 signals. Out of first 35 those only 3 signals can be active at a time.  And remaining 5, anyone can be active anytime. The micro instruction of the control unit stores control signal information along with 3-bit MUX select and 12 bits address field.  The size of the control memory required is? I am not able to solve this question please help
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there are 35 signals out of which 3 signals can be active at a time 

first lets consider 1st signal for that we will need 6 bit since it is vertical microprogrammed unit so we will need minimum 6 bit to represent 35 signal out of which only one is active for 1st signal then again same 35 signal out of which 1 will be active so 6 more bits then for 3rd signal out of 35 signal we need 6 more bits 

total=6+6+6+5( 5 bits are for remaining 5 signals)= 23 bits

therefore bits in control word = 23 bits

now we are asked size of control memory 

control memory size = size of one micro-instruction x no of microinstruction 

we are given that addr of next micro instruction is 12 bit therefore 

no of micro instruction = 2^12


size of microinstruction = control word size + mux select size + next microinstruction address

= 23 + 3 + 12 = 38 bits

hence control memory size = 38 x 2^12 = 152 kbits

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