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5 votes
5 votes

Five balls, numbered $1$ to $5,$ are placed in order on a table. A sequence of steps is performed on the balls. In step $1,$ the rightmost ball is picked up and put in the middle of the four remaining balls. (The remaining balls are shifted to make room for the inserted ball.) Then in step $2,$ the leftmost ball is picked up and put in the middle of the four remaining balls. These steps repeat, with the rightmost and leftmost balls alternately picked up and put in the middle of the four remaining balls. Immediately after step $\mathrm{N}$, the balls are in the reverse of their original order. Which of the following is a possible value of $\mathrm{N}?$

  1. $2023$
  2. $2024$
  3. $2025$
  4. $2026$
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1 Answer

2 votes
2 votes
Starting with the balls in the order $12345,$ we make a table of the positions of the balls after each of the first 10 steps:
\textbf{Step} & \textbf{Ball that moves} & \textbf{Order after step} \\
\hline 1 & \text{Rightmost} & 1\;  2\;  5\;  3\;  4 \\
2 & \text{Leftmost} & 2 \; 5 \; 1 \; 3 \; 4 \\
3 & \text{Rightmost} & 2 \; 5 \; 4 \; 1 \; 3 \\
4 & \text{Leftmost} & 5 \; 4 \; 2\; 1 \; 3 \\
5 & \text{Rightmost} & 5 \; 4 \; 3 \; 2 \; 1 \\
6 & \text{Leftmost} & 4 \; 3 \; 5 \; 2 \; 1 \\
7 & \text{Rightmost} & 4 \; 3 \; 1 \; 5 \; 2 \\
8 & \text{Leftmost} & 3 \; 1 \; 4 \; 5 \; 2 \\
9 & \text{Rightmost} & 3 \; 1 \; 2 \; 4 \; 5 \\
10 & \text{Leftmost} & 1 \; 2 \; 3 \; 4 \; 5

After $10$ steps, the balls are in the same order as at the beginning. This means that after each successive set of $10$ steps, the balls will be returned to their original order.

Since $2020$ is a multiple of $10,$ then after $2020$ steps, the balls will be in their original order. Steps $2021$ through $2025$ will repeat the outcomes of steps $1$ through $5$ above, and so after $2025$ steps, the balls will be in the reverse of their original order.

Therefore, $2025$ is a possible value of $N$.
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