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The Logic Problem, taken from $\text{"WFF'N PROOF, The Game of Logic"}$ has these two assumptions:

  1. "Logic is difficult or not many students like logic."
  2. "If mathematics is easy, then logic is not difficult."

By translating these assumptions into statements involving propositional variables and logical connectives, Find out which of the following are valid conclusions of these assumptions:

  1. "Mathematics is not easy, if many students like logic."
  2. "Not many students like logic, if mathematics is not easy."
  3. "Mathematics is not easy or logic is difficult."
  4. "Logic is not difficult or mathematics is not easy."
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2 Answers

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4 votes

Detailed Video Solution: https://youtu.be/KFVdMzQX_sc 

Now, we can symbolically express the two assumptions:

  1. $(D(l) \vee \neg S(l))$
  2. $(E(m) \rightarrow \neg D(l))$

Observe that (by the definition of implication and by contraposition, respectively) these two are equivalent to the following:

  1. $(S(l) \rightarrow D(l))$
  2. $(D(l) \rightarrow \neg E(m))$

We are now ready to check the following claims:

  1. "Mathematics is not easy if many students like logic." This claim can be written as $(S(l) \rightarrow \neg E(m))$. Since we know from above that $(S(l) \rightarrow D(l))$, and that $(D(l) \rightarrow \neg E(m))$, we conclude that this claim is true.
  2. "Not many students like logic if mathematics is not easy." This claim can be written as $(\neg E(m) \rightarrow \neg S(l))$. By contraposition, we obtain $(S(l) \rightarrow E(m))$. Again, we know from our hypotheses that $(S(l) \rightarrow D(l))$, and that $(D(l) \rightarrow \neg E(m))$, so we conclude that this claim is false.
  3. "Mathematics is not easy or logic is difficult." We can write this claim as $(\neg E(m) \vee D(l))$, which is equivalent (by the definition of implication) to $(E(m) \rightarrow D(l))$. However, this claim contradicts $(E(m) \rightarrow \neg D(l))$, which is one of our hypotheses. Therefore the claim is false.
  4. "Logic is not difficult or mathematics is not easy." Symbolically, we express this claim as $(\neg D(l) \vee \neg E(m))$. If we convert this to an implication, we get $(D(l) \rightarrow \neg E(m))$, which is one of our hypotheses. The claim is therefore true.


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Statement 1 of this question can be easily misinterpreted during exam pressure (talking with personal experience here :P)

Statement 1: Logic is difficult or not many students like logic

Misinterpretation: (Logic is difficult or not, still many students like logic)

This interpretation will lead to the wrong answer. With this interpretation Option B will be the correct answer which is not. So. Be cautious with this type of questions.

Back to the Correct Answer:

$L: Logic\ is\ difficult.$

$S: Many\ Students\ like\ logic.$

$M: Maths\ is\ easy.$

Now, this is the correct interpretation of the statements:

$P1: L\ \cup \sim S$

$P2: M\rightarrow\sim L$

Option A: True

S -> ~M

Let this be False and try to check if P1 and P2 can be made True. (Analysis of Implication)

Therefore, M = T, S = T
Substituting this in P1 and P2

P1: L + F
P2: T -> ~L

Case 1: L = F
P1 = False

Case 2: L = T
P1 = T
P2 = F

In both the cases, Premises cannot be made True,
Therefore, Option A is a valid conclusion.

Option B: False

~M -> ~S

For this to be False,
S = T, M = F

Substituting in P1 and P2:

P1: L + F
P2: F -> ~L

P2 = True
P1 = True, when L = True

Therefore, Option B is not a valid conclusion.

Option C: False

~M + L

For this to be False,
M = T, L = F

Substituting this in P1 and P2:

P1: F + ~S
P2: T -> T

P2 = True
P1 = True, when S = False

Therefore, Option C is not a valid conclusion.

Option D: True

~L + ~M

For this to be False,
L = T, M = T

Substituting this in P1 and P2:

P1: T + ~S
P2: T -> F

P2 = False, always
P1 does not matter here, because (P1).(P2) = False

Therefore, Option 4 is a valid conclusion.


Analysis of Impact says that 
P -> Q will be False
only when P is True and Q is False.

For all the other cases, P -> Q = True

So, if

P is a set of Premises ($P: P1\wedge P2\wedge P3...\wedge Pn$)

and Q is the Conclusion

So, if we can prove this logical Argument, that is (P -> Q) False somehow, then the conclusion is invalid
But if we cannot, then the conclusion is valid


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