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Consider a relation r1(ABC), r2(CDE) and r3(EG) with primary keys A, C and E respectively. Assume that r1 has 1000 tuples, r2 has 1500 tuples and r3 has 750 tuples. The number of resultant tuple in are


1 Answer

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Since it will be a natural join among them, therefore on the basis of common attribute.(but ,since the is a patent child relation between the common attribute and parent is a primary key therefore this will be an interesting case)

So first let's take r1 and r2

           Since, r2 have C as primary key therefore r1 cross r2 will have 1000 elements. Since if parent child relation exist therefore all the child's table rows of them will be taken.(your can check it via manually it's interesting)

Therefore now (ABCDE) cross r3

           Similarly, 1000 is the answer.
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