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Let $\text{R (A, B, C, D)}$ be a relational schema with the following functional dependencies: 

$\text{A} \rightarrow \text{B,  B} \rightarrow \text{C}$ 

$\text{C} \rightarrow \text{D}$ and $\text{D} \rightarrow \text{B}$

The decomposition of $\text{R}$ into

$\text{(A, B), (B, C), (B, D)}$

  1. gives a lossless join, and is dependency preserving
  2. gives a lossless join, but is not dependency preserving
  3. does not give a lossless join, but is dependency preserving
  4. does not give a lossless join and is not dependency preserving
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1 Answer

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Answer – A

In Relation R (A, B, C, D) –

  1. Closure of A = { A, B, C, D }
  2. Closure of B = { B, C, D }
  3. Closure of C = { B, C, D }
  4. Closure of D = { B, C, D }

Now, R is decomposed into – 

  1. R1 (A, B) having FD { A → B }; A is the super key.
  2. R2 (B, C) having FD’s { B → C, C → B }; B and C both are super keys.
  3. R3 (B, D) having FD’s { B → D, D → B }; B and D both are super keys.

If the common attribute of 2 relation is a super key of any relation, then their join is lossless.

Here, B is common in all 3 relations and B is a super key of 2 relations among them. Thus, join is lossless.

Original relation R has 4 non-trivial functional dependencies.

  1. A → B. This can again be obtained from FD of R1.
  2. B → C. This can again be obtained from FD’s of R2.
  3. C → D. This can again be obtained from FD’s of R2 and R3 ie C → B and B → D thus C → D.
  4. D → B. This can again be obtained from FD’s of R3.

Thus, join is dependency preserving also.

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