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I have 3 doubts in the following solution:

Doubt 1: In red colour
While I1 is in the Memory-access stage, how can I4 fetch the instruction from the memory? Isn't this a structural dependency problem?

Doubt 2: In blue colour
We know that in the instruction decode stage of any instruction, register fetch also happens, so for I4, R2 and R7 register are to be fetched during Instr Decode stage of I4. Also, I1 WB stage is already accessing the register in cycle 5, so how can Decode stage of I4 happen in the same cycle? 

Doubt 3: In green colour
Instructions I2,I3,I4 and I5 operate with register only so the memory-access stage shouldn't happen for these instructions, correct?

Solution as per my understanding:

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doubt 1: there will be no structural dependency because there are two types of memory generally
→ instruction memory used in IF
→ data memory used in MEM, p.s. these two are entirely separate stages

doubt 2: already stated above (in somebody else’s answer) thank you for that

doubt 3: the MEM is  acting as a no-op stage for register specific instructions.

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