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The decimal floating point number $-40.1$ represented using $\textsf{IEEE-754} \: 32$-bit representation and written in hexadecimal form is

  1. $\textsf{0x}C2206666$
  2. $\textsf{0x}C2206000$
  3. $\textsf{0x}C2006666$
  4. $\textsf{0x}C2006000$
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4 Answers

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IEEE 754, 32 bit representation,  1 bit for sign, 8 bits for Exponent and 23 bits for mantissa

Note that Exponent represented in Excess-127 format.

We have to represent -40.1, So

sign bit = 1

40 = 32+8 = (101000)$_2$

0.1 = (00011 0011 0011 0011 0011 00)$_2$ .......... represented with 23 bits

40.1 = 101000 . 00011 0011 0011 0011 0011 00    ----------------- in binary form.

       = 1 . 01000 00011 0011 0011 0011 0011 00 * 2$^5$ ----- NOW it is in 1.M format, Keep only 23 bits in Mantissa

       = 1 . 01000 00011 0011 0011 0011 0 * 2$^5$ ----- NOW it is in 1.M format, and Mantissa have 23 bits only.

True exponent is 5 ( which is in power of 2) ==> Excess Exponent value = 5+127 = 132 = 128 + 4 = 10000100

total representation is like:

sign Exponent Mantissa
1 10000100 01000000110011001100110

Finally it is like (11000010001000000110011001100110)$_2$

1100 0010 0010 0000 0110 0110 0110 0110 ==> 0xC2206666

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Given $-(40.1)$, convert it into binary we get


IEEE $754$ notation which will be used is:

$V= (-1)^{S} * (1.M) * 2^{E-127}$ where $S$ is sign bit, $M$ is mantissa and $E$ is exponent

Converting our given number into the above format we get

$1.010000001100110011.... *2^{5}$, we know sign take 1 bit, exponent 8 and mantissa 23 bit 

$E$-127=$5$, $E$= $132$($10000100$)

SEM: $11000010001000000110011001100110$

Convert into hexadecimal:

$1100 0010 0010 0000 0110 0110 0110 0110$


Option d) is correct

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