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Match the following with respect to activation record fields:

A 1 → A, D; 2 → B, C

B 1 → A, C; 2 → B, D

C 1 → B, C; 2 → A, D

D 1 → B, D; 2 → A, C

Doubt:- Control link points to caller activation record.Can some one confirm?

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4 Answers

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Control link is a dynamic link +

Control link pointing to the caller


Hence Answer=B
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Answer b: 1-A,C 2- B,D

Access link(static link) refers to non local data held on activation record.

Control link(dynamic link): point to activation record of caller.
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control link from record A points to the previous record on the stack. The chain of control links traces the dynamic execution of the program.

An access link from record A points to the record of the closest enclosing block in the program. The chain of access links traces the static structure (think: scopes) of the program.

Source: https://www.cs.hmc.edu/~benw/teaching/notes/activation.html

1 => A, C

2 => B, D

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