2 votes
2 votes
Suppose there are 4 sorted lists of 8 elements each. If we merge these lists into a single sorted list of 32 elements. The key comparisons that are needed in the worst case using an efficient algorithm are ____.

4 Answers

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I got answer as 48.

my logic-

there are 4 lists with 8 sorted elements.

lets pick all the first four and compare them to find smallest. that would be 3 comparisons.

to find the 2nd smallest it would require 2 comparisons and 1 comparison to find 3rd smallest.

therefore 3+2+1=6 comparisons in total.

if we do this 8 times we will get 6*8=48

what's the flaw in this logic?

Nevermind  i know now why it's wrong
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